- To develop the whole personality of pupils with that a God conscious at the core and Islam as the main focus of their lives.
- To encourage the pursuit and gaining of general knowledge and skills.
- To ensure that young people enjoy their studies and develop a love for learning.
- To acquire a moral attitude to life by the practice of Islam in all affairs.
- To inspire all children to achieve their best and to reach their potential.
- To make children aware of their abilities and give them the support and encouragement they need to achieve further
- To work closely with parents to ensure their children attain the highest standards and build a wholesome personality.
- Ensure that girls and boys have equal access to all areas of the curriculum, resources and support.
- Prepare pupils to live a life of piety, participating positively and fully with every aspect of modern life.

About Us

Aslamo-alaikum. A very warm welcome to UKIM Education… a world full of hope and aspiration, where we take our young Muslim brothers & sisters and provide them with an amazing learning environment. We have a wealth of experience… in fact, nearly 60 years of experience to share and to inspire. Our goal is to realise an Islamic working environment that allows our pupils and students to develop piety and respect, with view to making a positive contribution to their lives and the lives of others.
This site is full of valuable resource… from establishing, running and managing a school, with Islamic etiquettes and learning at heart; as well as providing valuable access to books and material to support the learning at school and at home. In essence, our goal is to provide learners with a balanced understanding of Islam and society. By doing so, we wish to instil in young people the moral compass as championed by the great exemplars Prophet Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (may the Almighty bless them all), as well as of course Mary (the mother of Prophet Jesus) and Khadijah (wife of Prophet Muhammad) – May our Lord have Mercy on them.
Outline of School